Friday, August 14, 2009

Man Woman Relationship tips

Love is the most beautiful feeling that has been created by God and the basic foundation of a relation that exists between a man and a woman is love. A Man Woman Relationship is the most beautiful relationship on this earth but there are many people who do not hesitate to insult this relationship. It should also be noted that the relationship that a man and a woman share is not devoid of complexities. Therefore to have a successful Man Woman Relationship one needs to reflect on the various aspects that are associated with the relationship of love. This article deals with Man Woman Relationship that exists between couples.Given here are some tips that you can take into consideration if you want to experience a healthy and successful Man Woman Relationship, which are:
If your lover is feeling low and depressed then provide her/him with emotional support.
Respond to your lover’s requirements.
Try to satisfy your lover.
Take your partner out for a movie /theatre/ musical concert or for candlelight dinner once in a week.
Do not insult your partner in the presence of other people.
Don’t deceive your sweetheart.
Be honest to yourself.
Have belief and faith in your beloved.
Resolve issues without any kind of disputes.
If there is a communication gap, then make use of the greeting cards and gifts to communicate with your partner.
Share the tasks and the responsibilities.
Make an attempt to be with your partner whenever he/she needs you

How to save your relationship

Breaking up doesn't necessarily mean it's completely over
A break up is quite common in relationships between men and women. A breakup or a divorce is always a painful process for both the man and the woman regardless of the reason.If your're going through a divorce and wish to save your marriage.A break up is even more difficult for you when you still love your partner and are not willing to let him/her go. In fact, there is a deep longing within your heart to get back together.This usually happens when the breakup was done hastily and based mainly on emotions. The couple just didn't take the time to think things through calmly and try to work out their disagreements. Well, the good news is, almost every breakup can be mended regardless of the reason.So if you recently broke up and don't feel that it was the right thing, you may want to visit Healthy Relationship Advice and watch the FREE video full of great tips on winning back the love that you truly deserve. You will also find other valuable man and woman relationship advice such as maintaining someone's interest, desire, passion, heart and love.

What you need to do when your relationship is shaky

Should you find that your relationship with your significant other is in jeopardy, and the two of you are unable to mend it on your own, it's time to seek outside advice.Before discussing it with others, you may first consider reading a book or two on men and women relationships. You can check out your local bookstore or browse through the books listed below to find some on relationship advice and marriage difficulties.Remember, a few bumps in the road don't have to mean the end of a relationship, but they can be a warning sign that you need to take care of things before they get worse. As I said earlier, when it comes to men and women relationships, there will always be disagreements. The key is for you to deal with them effectively to maintain harmony in your relationship

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Healthy relationships between men and women

In men and women relationships we all get into an argument every now and then. This is totally natural, and even healthy! It adds spice to life, so to speak and makes it more exciting. Ever heard the expression "where there's no anger and annoyance, there's no passion?"If you hear a couple say they never argue, then you should be a little suspicious and may want to take a closer look. You shouldn't be surprised to find no communication and hence, no love or passion in their relationship, and this is sad. This reminds me of an anecdote about a couple in ancient China who had live together for so many years without ever getting into an argument. Everyone wanted to know their secret, and it was simple: they never talked to each other!When it comes to men and women relationships, there is always disagreement simply because everyone is different. The only way you can avoid this is by not having a relationship or being like the above-mentioned Chinese couple. We all have different interests, different opinions, as well as different things that annoy us.Looking at my own relationship with my wife, there is always some kind of argument and disagreement over big and small things every once a while. And yes, things can get a little heated at times. You see, my wife is the youngest child in her family while I'm the only child, and you know how that goes :) Each of us was used to having our way as a kid, and it got carried over into our adult man and woman relationship.When we first got married we used to fight (not physically) more often and we wouldn't talk to each other for a while. This is quite normal in men and women relationships as they try to get used to living together and deal with their different personalities.However, we also realized that we needed to forgive quickly because we love each other. We also made a pact that we would never go to bad angry, and that we would say "I love you" to each other more often. Yes, we still have our fights every now and then but those two things help us limit how long we can stay mad :) Love is indeed the most important thing that holds together relationships between men and women.

What Men Want in a Relationship

I have discovered a stark contrast between what each sex thinksthe opposite sex wants from them, and what the opposite sexreally does want.
What women think men want from them causes women to have resentment and anger toward men, and feel hopeless about ever developing a wonderful, warm, romantic partnership. What men think women want from them causes them much of the same feelings and frustration.
The sad part is that it does not have to be this way, if only we would realize that both men and women are human beings first and pretty much want the same thing. But, you don't have to take my word for this.

The 'New' Sexual Harassment

When her hotel room phone rang at 2 a.m., Megan McFeely assumed it was an emergency. Maybe a friend or family member was hurt or in trouble. Worried, she sleepily picked it up, only to hear a male coworker on the other end. Not a superior, he was someone with "definitely more power than I had," urging her to come back down to the hotel bar. It was obvious he was drunk.
"I was astounded," says McFeely, who was in New York with several colleagues for a work conference. "He asked me what I was doing in bed, why wasn't I down there partying with them." McFeely told the man she needed to get some sleep and hung up the phone. But the call continued to weigh on her. "When you're not the one in power, and someone does something like that, you just feel unsafe."